Are Prebiotic Sodas Like Poppi Actually Good for Gut Health?

The sodas come in fun flavors like Cherry Vanilla and Orange Cream, and carry an alluring claim: They’re good for your gut. That pitch has helped prebiotic soft drink brands like Poppi and Olipop stand out in the soda aisle. The drinks contain prebiotics, or dietary fibers that can’t be digested by humans, but can […]

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We’re Drinking More Water. How to Hold It: That’s the Question.

Carrie Frost is well equipped for hydration. A registered nurse and a mother of two from Colorado, she estimates that her family has accumulated “upward of 25 to 30” reusable flasks at home for keeping cold drinks: flasks large and small, of various designs and colors, with a straw and without. But last month, as […]

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Tardé casi 40 años en dejar la Coca-Cola Light

Esto no solo está relacionado con el aumento de peso, sobre todo en el vientre, sino que también provoca antojos. El aspartame es 200 veces más dulce que el azúcar de mesa. Quienes la consumen en abundancia están tan acostumbrados a su sabor superdulce que todo lo demás les parece insípido en comparación. Leatha Medina, […]

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Make Your Own Seltzer

For many, sparkling water is the perfect beverage — versatile and utterly refreshing, able to cleanse the palate and it contains zero calories. And it sure seems to be having a moment. Sales of packaged sparkling water have skyrocketed since the pandemic confined so many seltzer fans to their homes, with MarketWatch reporting a dramatic […]

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