The Energy Challenge: Questlove Made You an Energy Playlist

Ahmir K. Thompson, also known as Questlove, seems to have boundless energy. Just look at his résumé: He’s a producer, podcast host, Academy Award-winning director, author, D.J. and drummer for the hip-hop band the Roots. He’s also known for his inventive playlists. “I started making playlists for a certain world leader,” he told us in […]

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Cómo hacer que caminar sea tu rutina de ejercicios

Caminar, a cualquier nivel de intensidad, es bueno para ti. Se ha demostrado que andar a un ritmo lento y constante puede disminuir el riesgo de padecer una cardiopatía y diabetes. Pero hay investigaciones que sugieren que aumentar la distancia de tu caminata puede reducir el riesgo de una muerte prematura y de enfermedades como […]

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‘Parentese’ Is Truly a Lingua Franca, Global Study Finds

We’ve all seen it, we’ve all cringed at it, we’ve all done it ourselves: talked to a baby like it was, you know, a baby. “Ooo, hellooooo baby!” you say, your voice lilting like a rapturously accommodating Walmart employee. Baby is utterly baffled by your unintelligible warble and your shamelessly doofus grin, but “baby so […]

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I Bet You Think These Songs Are About You

If you want to think I’m a narcissist for assuming Millie’s Spotify playlists were about me, go ahead. In any case, they probably weren’t about you. Before Millie’s playlists, there was just Millie, the trombonist from Tinder I matched with in my first month of an ill-timed year abroad at Oxford University. It was September […]

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Modern Love Podcast: First Love Mixtape, Side B

When we asked this question at the start of the season, the responses came pouring in. We heard from present-day teens streaming their anthems on repeat, and we heard from listeners who have been with their partners for over 50 years. There were stories of jazz and rap, adrenaline rushes and loneliness, and many lessons […]

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It’s Never Too Late to Record Your First Album

“It’s Never Too Late” is a new series that tells the stories of people who decide to pursue their dreams on their own terms. One day a couple years back, the woman who has long cleaned Russ Ellis’s house in Berkeley, Calif., showed up with a new helper. Mr. Ellis did not think to ask […]

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Yearning for Life on Tour, Roadies Open Up Online

As well as attending the Back Lounge, he said, he has been having therapy and taking antidepressants, but the group has been helpful, too. “It’s such a weight off your mind, off your soul, to know other people are feeling and suffering the way you are,” he said. Said Schofield: “Our industry is terrible when […]

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Matteo Bocelli, Musical Brilliance

Following sold-out shows in South Africa’s cities of Johannesburg and Cape Town, fans couldn’t get enough of the musical brilliance of the young Matteo Bocelli, singing alongside his father, Andrea. The assumption might be made that his vocal abilities come from great genes, but nothing this remarkable can be attained without a good dose of […]

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