How Healthy Are Chickpeas?

Chickpeas aren’t peas; they’re beans. And more broadly, they’re pulses — a category of legumes celebrated for their copious health benefits. Here’s what nutrition experts have to say about chickpeas, along with some delicious ways to prepare them from New York Times Cooking. They’re a good source of plant-based protein. One cup of chickpeas has […]

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6 Ways Alcohol Can Affect Your Gut

When we published an article last year about the various ways alcohol might change your gut microbiome, the reader response was overwhelming. One person said that after quitting alcohol, digestive issues practically vanished. Others said that curtailing their drinking helped with bloating, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome and more. That’s not surprising, said Dr. Morgan […]

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Is Your Partner Your Best Friend?

Stephanie Lopez is effusive about her husband’s good qualities. He is a man of character, kindness and integrity, she said. He is a loving father and treats her with respect. But is he her best friend? “No!” said Ms. Lopez, who is 43 and lives on Hawaii’s Big Island. “I don’t have sex with my […]

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An Effective HIIT Routine for Beginners Short on Time

If you’re looking for an exercise routine that will deliver big returns with a small time investment, consider high intensity interval training, or HIIT. Just two or three 30-minute sessions per week can improve cardiovascular fitness, lower blood pressure and burn more calories than other forms of exercise. It can also improve your performance in […]

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Hims and Hers Super Bowl Ad Sparks Controversy Over Weight Loss Drugs

The first thing the ad shows is a scale. Over the soundtrack of Childish Gambino’s anthem “This is America,” a narrator laments the nation’s obesity crisis and “the system” that is “built to keep us sick and stuck.” It notes the “$160 billion weight-loss industry that feeds on our failure” as images of junk cereal, […]

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Creative and Cheap Valentine’s Day Ideas

Valentine’s Day is next Friday. I’m looking forward to the annual pandemonium in my local Stop & Shop, where people race in to snatch up any flowers they can find. Even if money is tight, you can probably do better than the last droopy, blue-dyed supermarket carnations. But for some people, the urge to find […]

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3 Ways to Change Your Mood

Emotions are a fundamental part of what make us human. They can be overwhelming, complicated or quiet — but we experience at least one emotion 90 percent of the time, according to a 2015 study that examined the emotional lives of more than 11,000 people. This finding doesn’t shock Ethan Kross, the director of the […]

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Are Eggs Safe to Eat as Bird Flu Spreads?

Bird flu is striking chickens across the country, causing shortages and pushing up prices at retailers and restaurants. Last week, one of the nation’s largest egg producers said that hens at one of its Indiana farms had tested positive for avian influenza. Researchers have stressed that bird flu still poses a minimal risk to the […]

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Alcohol Makes Me Anxious. Is That Normal?

Q: Sometimes I feel really anxious the day after I drink. Can alcohol cause a panic attack? The short answer is yes. Panic attacks — sudden waves of overwhelming fear and apprehension, along with physical symptoms like chest pain and tightness, sweating, a racing heartbeat, nausea, difficulty breathing, feeling faint or numbness in the arms […]

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Testosterone Therapy for Menopause: What the Hormone Can, and Cannot, Do

Five years ago, when Dr. Risa Kagan offered testosterone to postmenopausal women whose sex drive had vanished, the Berkeley-based OB-GYN had few takers. Women were wary of using what they thought was a male sex hormone, she said, and concerned about developing “masculine” traits, like body hair or a deeper voice. Now, she said, “every […]

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How to Deal With Afternoon Fatigue

Here’s how the story may go: You wake up in the morning ready to tackle the day. You’re in a groove. You’re getting things done. But then the clock strikes 2 p.m., and you’re hit with a wave of fatigue. Suddenly, a nap feels tempting. In these moments, you may be experiencing what some people […]

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To Build a Habit, Try a Streak

The writer David Sedaris walks 21,000 steps every day. The filmmaker John Wilson has journaled daily since 2007. And Jerry Seinfeld reportedly maintains his productivity by writing jokes every single day. I have my own example — for the past eight years, I’ve run at least one mile a day. Here’s the thing: I don’t […]

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