How Your Body and Mind Change in Midlife

Midlife, typically defined as ages 40 to 60, is an inflection point. It’s a time when our past behaviors begin to catch up with us and we start to notice our bodies and minds aging — sometimes in frustrating or disconcerting ways. But it’s also an opportunity: What our older years will look and feel […]

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The First Six Weeks of Pregnancy, Explained

By the time a woman is considered six weeks pregnant, she would have had two weeks, at most, to realize it. That’s because the gestational age of a fetus is counted not from the moment that sperm fertilizes an egg or from the moment you have a positive pregnancy test, but weeks earlier, on the […]

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Does Clearblue’s Menopause At-Home Test Actually Work?

An at-home menopause test kit from Clearblue, the maker of pregnancy tests, is now on store shelves across the United States. The company says the test, which became available in August, helps women determine which stage they’re in during the lead-up to menopause. Last week at a meeting of the nonprofit Menopause Society, the company […]

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Painful Sex After Menopause: Causes and Solutions

There are several other factors that can also contribute to dyspareunia among menopausal women. The hormonal changes alter acidity levels of the vagina, Dr. Streicher said, which can lead to recurrent urinary tract infections among menopausal women, creating discomfort in the area whether or not they are having sex. And some common health conditions among […]

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Menopause Retreats Are the Latest in Wellness Travel

With a growing number of women approaching the age of hormonal changes — by 2025, approximately 1.1 billion women worldwide will have experienced menopause — the travel industry is catering to a new niche: Women who want help dealing with everything from hot flashes to mood swings, with perhaps some classic spa treatments thrown in. […]

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How Menopause Affects Your Hair and Scalp

Another major factor in hair change over time is genetics, Dr. Guttman-Yassky said. “I always ask my patients about family history, and many times somebody with female-pattern hair loss will say, ‘Oh, yeah, my mother in her 40s or 50s had the same pattern of hair loss.’” Are there ways to manage these hair changes? […]

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7 Books to Guide You Through Menopause

Each day, around 6,000 women in the United States enter menopause, which officially starts 12 months after a woman’s last period. But perimenopause, the time leading up to menopause, can last anywhere from two to 14 years (the average is around four). “Many women enter into this transition without any information about what may occur,” […]

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Menopause Costs U.S. Women $1.8 Billion In Lost Working Time, Study Shows

Menopause costs American women an estimated $1.8 billion in lost working time per year, according to a Mayo Clinic study published this week. The paper examined how hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings and the myriad other symptoms associated with this time of life affect women in the workplace. It’s the largest study of its […]

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Why Do Women Gain Belly Fat in Midlife?

Q: I’m a woman in my late 40s and for the first time I’ve developed belly fat. Is there any way to target it through diet or exercise? If you’re a middle-aged woman and you’re noticing that your midsection is expanding, the first thing to know is that you’re not alone. “This is a physiological […]

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