Why Creating Things With Your Hands Is Good for Your Brain

I once decorated a mirror with shells, but I keep it in a closet. I’m fond of it, even though it looks a little sloppy. Sometimes I’ll debate whether to toss it, and then gently put it back on the shelf. As it turns out, a lot of us have strong attachments to things we […]

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Forgiveness Isn’t Always the Answer According to Experts

One of Amanda Gregory’s warmest childhood memories is a game that she played with her two brothers. They called it “cockroach hunt.” It involved racing into the kitchen at night, flicking on the lights and trying to smash cockroaches with their bare feet before the bugs could scatter. Neither her mother nor her father bothered […]

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How Heat Affects the Brain

In July 2016, a heat wave hit Boston, with daytime temperatures averaging 92 degrees for five days in a row. Some local university students who were staying in town for the summer got lucky and were living in dorms with central air-conditioning. Other students, not so much — they were stuck in older dorms without […]

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8 Productivity Books Time-Management Experts Actually Use

It probably doesn’t come as a shock that productivity researchers are always looking for new ways to use their time wisely. They need guidance just like the rest of us, said Sahar Yousef, a cognitive neuroscientist and lecturer at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley. “The moment you think you […]

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10 Books on L.G.B.T.Q. Mental Health and Well-Being

Growing up in a conservative, evangelical Christian household in Louisiana, Rae McDaniel longed for a book that focused on the exciting parts of gender exploration. More joy and pleasure — less hard slog. “So much of the literature was focused on suffering, on pain, on risk factors — and that is important,” said Mx. McDaniel, […]

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What Is the Gray Rock Method?

Take a moment to imagine a small gray rock sitting in the palm of your hand. It’s silent, smooth and otherwise unremarkable. Are you bored yet? If so, that’s kind of the point. Most people will eventually lose interest in a dull piece of granite. So there’s a theory percolating online that if you adopt […]

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Why Adult ADHD Is Hard to Diagnose

Just before Katie Marsh dropped out of college, she began to worry that she might have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. “Boredom was like a burning sensation inside of me,” said Ms. Marsh, who is now 30 and lives in Portland, Ore. “I barely went to class. And when I did, I felt like I had […]

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How to Be Less Self-Critical When Perfectionism Is a Trap

Yuxin Sun, a psychologist in Seattle, sees a lot of clients at her group practice who insist they aren’t perfectionists. “‘Oh, I’m not perfect. I’m far from perfect,’” they tell her. But perfectionism isn’t about being the best at any given pursuit, Dr. Sun said, “it’s the feeling of never arriving to that place, never […]

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Why Does Cloudy Weather Make Me Feel Tired?

Q: I tend to feel more tired than usual when it’s cloudy or rainy. Why is that? If you’re feeling tired on an overcast day, it could be for any number of reasons, experts say. Maybe it’s because you’re lounging around at home and not as active as you usually are. Or maybe the change […]

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What Viral Fitness Challenges Get Wrong: 75 Hard, 12-3-20, and More

A new trending workout seems to emerge every month. Each guarantees a happier, healthier, stronger and leaner you. There’s a viral challenge, known as “75 Hard,” which promises to improve your mental toughness if you work out for 45 minutes twice daily — while also sticking to a diet and drinking a gallon of water […]

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Trainers Share 5 of the Most-Hated but Beneficial Exercises

Some exercise moves are easy, others are tough but manageable. But there are always a few that we truly abhor. Some are so reviled that they have their own merch with phrases like “Burpees Hate You Too.” If you’re not the “no pain, no gain” type, is it OK to just skip the burpee, or […]

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6 Self-Help Books That Therapists Read Themselves

Of the thousands of self-help books on the market, which ones are truly helpful? “It’s uncommon to find a self-help book that feels different,” said Vienna Pharaon, a marriage and family therapist in New York City. But genuinely useful titles abound. The best of the genre invite reflection or offer practical tools to promote emotional, […]

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