How Wildfire Smoke Threatens Human Health

The mucus and hairs in your nose can trap larger particles, and the mucus and cilia in your upper airway can catch some as well, said Luke Montrose, an environmental toxicologist at Colorado State University. But some PM2.5 or smaller particles can bypass these defenses and penetrate the deepest parts of your lungs. Dr. Montrose […]

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Does Wildfire Smoke Cause Sinus Issues?

Q: I’ve noticed I get a runny nose when there’s wildfire smoke in the air. Should I be concerned? It’s well understood that wildfire smoke can wreak havoc on the body — taxing the lungs and heart, stinging the eyes and prompting headaches. But nasal passages are particularly susceptible, said Dr. Mark Dykewicz, an allergist […]

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Why Do I Feel Sick Before My Period?

Q: Does a woman’s immune system weaken at certain times of her menstrual cycle? I have always noticed that if I get sick, it’s almost always just before I get my period. Experts say that while there isn’t enough data to prove that you’re more likely to feel sick before or during your period, there […]

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How Climate Change May Affect Your Health

Alas, said Dr. Jackson, emeritus professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, “Human beings respond only to what is a threat to them at the moment. Californians are now much more aware — the fires got people’s attention.” The wildfire season is now starting much earlier and ending later as a result of a […]

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