Hilarie Burton Morgan on the Problem With True Crime, Life on the Farm, and Her ‘One Tree Hill’ Podcast

Has he watched those episodes?
Oh, god no! He does not need to see his mother kissing everybody on the planet.
Does he ever ask about your work?
What he's really interested in is the music side of it. He was very curious, like, “What's a VJ? And what's a record label that Peyton Sawyer is talking about?” Because in their world, people just release a song on YouTube or TikTok and it goes viral. So that old system is really interesting to them. He’s going through his Nirvana phase right now. So he’s like, “Oh you were the emo girl. Cool.”
What’s new on the farm?
We’re having a fox problem right now. We just lost a bunch of chickens. And this fox is so bold. And so little Erwin, our new puppy, will be joining us within the next weeks, and he's gonna be a farm dog.
My husband has been cataloging our interactions with The Sato Project. We got a dog from Puerto Rico 12 years ago while I was pregnant with my son. He was a jungle dog, total feral animal, like a coyote. He was hit by a car, and we paid his vet bills and then brought him back stateside. And now there is Erwin, a new little puppy who was also hit by a car and had to lose a hind leg. Erwin could be the answer to my fox problem. What if he's ferocious? He was a jungle dog. He could be intimidating.
Has it been really nice living outside of the limelight?
I moved here in 2010. Before moving, I didn't like the way young women were kind of forced to perform at all times going to the grocery store or going to the drugstore or going on a date, taking your kid to school, whatever. This community has been so wonderful and protective. When we moved out here, there was no such thing as Zoom; there was no Skype. You couldn't audition. So all of the work that I've done has been through people remembering me and calling me saying, “Hey, I worked with you on this TV show. I'd love it if you would come and do this.” And that's a really nice way to build a career because it's based on your merit. And it's based on your work ethic on set and your performances and your relationships with people. I'm not good at this song and dance, but I'll show up for work and know my lines.
Are there certain farm chores that de-stress you?
Jeff's the animal person here at the farm. And for me, gardening, whether it's just deadheading flowers, or taking the kids out to the garden to collect all the stuff that's grown, that’s the fun part. Last night, my son was excited to go get carrots from the garden, and I had to figure out how to fix that into the dinner. And so teaching my kids and growing with them is certainly my favorite thing. Every night before dinner, we do a ride around the property in an ATV. And the point is to make a lot of noise so predators don't sneak up. But this fox doesn't seem to care, so I need a bullhorn or something.
Are there any negatives to farm life?
I'm good in spring, summer, and fall. But the snow gets a little cumbersome. I turn into a snowbird and I'm like, “Hey, we should go to North Carolina. Should we go visit dad?” It’s pretty in December, in January. But when you start getting into that February, March, April, snow, I get fatigued.

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